
Joe Subolefsky

Make a difference with financial support.

Grow Wild is a grassroots, community coalition led by Harford Land Trust. Since the nonprofit’s founding in 1991, supporters like you ensure that the land that provides so much to us all is preserved and protected forever. Harford Land Trust relies on generous donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Your contribution makes the preservation of Harford County’s agricultural and natural landscapes possible.

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Donate Now

Make a donation to support Harford Land Trust’s work, including programs like Grow Wild. Gifts from people like you are the fuel that keeps this effort going. Every donation matters, and even small gifts let us and others know that this cause matters in Harford County.

If you prefer to send your donation by mail, send a check payable to:

Grow Wild
c/o Harford Land Trust
22 W. Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 2
Bel Air, MD 21014.

Donations can also be sent via PayPal to

Have Further Questions?

Visit our contact page for ways to reach out to us. We’re here to help!

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